Castle Semple BBQ & Activities Day 2024

After a drizzly start to the morning, we feared the rain might dampen our annual Loch-side cookout, but luck was on our side! By midday, a gentle breeze had swept in, creating perfect conditions for sailing.

The silver lining to the morning showers and the rain from previous days was a replenished Castle Semple Loch, now brimming and ready for our sailing boats.

This marked the 8th edition of our annual event, proudly supported by the #NationalLottery & Digby Brown. 

“It was so therapeutic to get out on the water, it reminded me of last summer on a boat with my son and daughter. Absolutely magic!”

Patient from QENSIU

As the sun emerged and guests began to arrive, spirits lifted. Everyone busily uncovered bikes, brushed off the tables, and prepared for a day full of activities. The primary goal of this event is to offer a refreshing escape for patients from the Queen Elizabeth National Spinal Injury Unit, many of whom are venturing out for the first time since being taken into hospital. Interaction with our members serves as a beacon of hope, showcasing the possibilities that lie ahead after leaving the unit.

The day was packed with activities to entertain everyone, from hand cycling and adaptive kayaking to sailing and rides around the loch in a wheelchair-accessible speedboat. Though, prising people away from the mouthwatering BBQ was often a challenge!



“I had a lovely time with the staff & everyone were excellent, I enjoyed myself thoroughly, thanks for doing that for me, appreciate it staff couldn’t be nice enough”

Thomas, Glasgow, C2, C3, C4 Incomplete

Castle Semple is a spectacular venue for our event, featuring an Accessible Visitor Centre Café, a Changing Places Toilet, various hoists for wheelchair access to boats and bikes, and, of course, the outstanding staff led by David Hill. The experienced Outdoor Activity Instructors were present to discuss requirements and tailor activities to individual needs, ensuring our members felt comfortable and confident as they learned new skills both on and off the water. These specialised facilities and equipment earned Castle Semple the distinction of being Scotland's first Royal Yachting Association Sailability 'Centre of Excellence' in 2012.



“I found that meeting like-bodied people, the communities you can reach out to and find out about things that are happening, the likes of the hand-cycling, curling, basketball. There’s so much available for people in wheelchairs and people with disabilities.”

Stephen, Ayrshire, L2, L5 Incomplete

The day unfolded perfectly, without a hitch. It was incredibly rewarding to hear members and patients share their water adventures and witness their growing confidence as they engaged in the activities.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to #NationalLottery, Digby Brown for the fantastic BBQ and their unwavering support over the years with volunteer staff. Our gratitude also goes to Bullen for sponsoring the drinks and to Hollister for providing extra helping hands. We would also like to thank Max Wheelchairs for bringing their fabulous kit.

But most of all, thank you to the patients and members who attended and made this event truly special!

“The BBQ was phenomenal. The activities showed that I could do a lot more than what I thought I could.”

Patient, QENSIU

If you are interested in one-on-one coaching on any of the equipment at Castle Semple, please get in touch with us directly:

Email - [email protected]

Phone No - 0141 427 7686